Friday, September 05, 2008


This is the cake we bought from Supa Save just because it looked good.

Then the idiot of a cashier went and tilted it over just to scan the price and ruined it.
I looked at my mum and resisted yelling out, "Hey, lady! Why the hell did you that to my cake?"

I know, looks don't matter. So I thought when I cut the cake. 

The cake was light, but there was no real taste there. The icing was worse; too watery (as opposed to the calorie-filled, creamy goodness of quality cakes) and chock-full with artificial sweetener. 
The aftertaste was kinda disgusting.

At least it was cheap, so I can't call it a waste of money. 

The verdict: Taste matched its cost. 

If you don't try, you don't know, but I'm sure not buying that again.

I will now go and do my Science. *cough*


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