Sunday, February 27, 2011


Listening to Hokkien songs on YouTube right now, especially this one, which is the theme song from the famous Taiwanese drama 爱. It reminds me so much of home, and how my grandmother would sit there and watch almost every day without fail and I'd have to turn on the Malay subtitles just so I could understand what they were talking about.

Ah, Taiwanese dramas. They always seem to never end. They just go on forever and ever and ever, losing viewers, gaining new ones, and then old viewers regain and interest while the newer viewers give up on trying to catch up. Scary things.

Pretty much stayed in the hostel today, writing reflections for Chem and getting nothing else done. Oh distractions, go away. I need to delete Safari from my dock. Removes temptation.

Then went out for dinner with Fatinn, Fatin (the junior, and no, I didn't type the same name twice) and Hafiy. Got myself a shirt that says "I'm not confused. ...Wait, just give me a second." I just had to have it, because I seem to live in constant confusion and it's just really ironic.

Came back and room-cleaned. I love that feeling of accomplishment when you clean your room and everything's all clean and smells nice.

Didn't post yesterday 'cause I was too busy doing God-knows-what. Got back late 'cause I went out to watch 'I Am Number Four' with a bunch of random people.

It was a rather inconclusive movie, so I'mma conclude that I won't judge it until I get my hands on the book. I have a feeling it's like the 'Percy Jackson' movie. It made it look horrible and unexplained, but when you read the actual series it is indeed quite awesome.

So yeah, books > movies based on books. 99% of the time.

All right, I'm going to go off now to do something more productive.


P.S. New ear studs are in, and I hope they go unnoticed. I mean, come on, compared to what other people are wearing on their lobes these are tiny. And simple. I don't know what they've got against cartilage piercings.

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