CNY celebration was okay, but Yos kept being racist, and the Bio prac was fun. One of my ear studs is stuck in my ear and I can't get it out, but it should be fine once I get my dad to help me out because he's a guy and has more finger-power.
Either that, or I might start rockin' the mismatched ear stud look for CNY this year. Who knows. I might be the new trend.
Okay, filler joke time.
An engineer, a mathematician and a physicist are staying in the same hotel. A fire breaks out on the three floors they're on. The engineer wakes up, grabs the trash can, runs to the bathroom, fills the can and douses the flames before heading back to bed. The physicist wakes up and sees the fire. He grabs the notepad on the night-stand, determines the exact amount of water needed to put out the fire, collects that amount of water and puts out the fire. The mathematician wakes up, sees the fire and also grabs the notepad on his night-stand. He sits on the edge of his bed calculating the amount of water required to put out the fire. After a few moments, he stands up and shouts "A solution exists!" before going back to bed.
Descartes walks into a bar and the bartender asks "The usual, Descartes?"
Descartes replies "I don't think.." and disappears. (This one is my personal fave. So, so funny.)
Einstein, Pascal, and Newton are playing hide and go seek. Einstein is counting while Newton and Pascal hide. Pascal runs off and hides while Newton doesn't move an inch. Instead, he draws a square around himself in the dirt. After Einstein finishes counting, he opens his eyes and says, "Found you Newton! That was easy."
Newton says, "No you didn't. You found Pascal." He points down to the square in the dirt. "One Newton per meter squared."
A mechanical engineer, electrical engineer and a software engineer were driving a car down a mountain pass when the brakes start to go out. After frantically getting the car down the mountain and rolling it to a stop, all three engineers jump out.
The mechanical engineer starts jacking up the car to take the front wheels off. "The brake pads must be wore out", he says.
The electrical engineer pops open the hood. "There must be a loose connection here somewhere", he says.
The software engineer turns to the other two and says, "Let's drive it back up and see if the problem happens again."
Some helium floats into a bar. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve noble gases here." The helium doesn't react.
Okay, off now.
P.S. I love being Chinese, actually.
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