Sunday, February 13, 2011


Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and that's probably been the highlight of my day (and this here vlog).

How depressing is it that I'm seventeen and still single? It's probably okay to be single, but when you look at all the other people around you sort of hooking up, you wonder what you've been doing wrong.

Honestly, what have I been doing wrong? Is it that I don't know how or where to look to find a boyfriend? I'm unsure.

But yeah, it doesn't really bother me as much as it shows. It's okay to be single, you know. I've got my whole life ahead of me, and I think I might want to appreciate single life for the time being. It's a good thing.

Went out with Fatinn to WCP for lunch and to buy shampoo, had fun teasing Jihyun for a while, then went out again to meet my cousin at City Hall.

It's cool, 'cause we're totally (sort of) globalised people. Yeah, we're Bruneian, but we don't live in Brunei. We get to see the world, and we get to experience things others at home don't get to. We're living the life, man.

Plagued by constant travel, but if you don't move you can't get anywhere, no.

Bought two Garth Nix books I'll want to read some time soon, hopefully after our Bio quiz this week. We'll see how it turns out. If I organise my time right.

Okay, going off now. Have some random YouTube videos to watch.

P.S. Some people have suggested I upload my videos onto YouTube, but who'll watch them then?

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