Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sprint Maths.

I lost my pencil. My blue mechanical pencil. I miss it already. Let's give a moment of silence in tribute and think of the stupid things I drew with it.

MS held a Form 2 sprint maths challenge today. It works like this:-

- The teachers give you a sheet of paper where you write the names of the people and the groups they are in. I was in groups 1, 2, 4 and 7. Kok Sheng was kinda serious about winning. Our strategist. Only 9 people in my class came to school, Sheng being the only boy.

- Then the groups go around the school and answer the questions in relay.

Group 1- Me, Sheng, Neko and Baoxin. We had to count the number of steps of the stairs in Block D. Then multiply it by a number and minus it by another number. We got back to the concourse faster than all the other classes.

Group 2 - Me, Zimah, Meza and Nadhirah. We went to 2T's classroom to find a few Pra-Us waiting for us. They made us catwalk along the corridor to get the question, which was arranging colour pencils vertically on a piece of paper in order of colour.

Group 3 - This was where we lost time. I wasn't in this group, and neither was Sheng. I have no idea what happened, but it took a good 25 minutes before they got back.

Group 4 - Sheng, Sil Suan, Neko and I ran like hell to the canteen, where we were supposed to look for the person in charge. We were conned by some teachers into singing the alphabet song and then we realised Sheng's brother, Kok Hui, was the person in charge. Argh. He made Sheng propose to each and every one of us right in the middle of the canteen. "To gain experience," he said. "Next year you'll be in form 3 and trust me, this is good for you, practice."

Group 5 - Sheng told me they had to sing the school song with prime numbers for the words.

Group 6 - I don't remember what happened with them.

Group 7 - We sprinted to the library to do this crossword puzzle given to us by the "harmonica guy". We did it so quickly, we left before 2U did, who were there before us.

Group 8 - Baoxin said they did simultaneous equations and had to do something... I don't remember.

All I know now is that we got all our answers correct, and we didn't finish last. Heh. I want my class to win! Long live 2R(ebellions)!

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