Monday, April 04, 2011


Okay blogosphere. Hear me out here. I want to get charcoal pencils.

Like, not those pastels I got for myself that claim to have charcoal in "12 colours", but genuine charcoal pencils (with the wooden bits and all). It'd be awesome to be able to draw with those, I figure.

Graphite pencils give me great control and all, but I really, really want a darker tone. You know, fuller blacks ('cause I'm racist like that).

Anyway, untapped artistic talent aside (which probably doesn't exist anyway), school today was well, awesome.

Had English first thing in the morning, but Mr Chin wasn't here, so it resulted in a two-hour break. Tried and tried to do that Physics practical, but it was just confusing, so I left it at that and went to eat.

Had an hour and a half of Math afterwards. Oh imaginary numbers and vectors and everything. Is there a point in finding the equation for some imaginary number that represents a point of an isosceles triangle? I don't know. Perhaps there is.

Had Physics after Math, but Mr Yeo wasn't here either, which meant class officially ended for us. Oh how fun. I bet all the other classes were jealous of us and our epic amount of free time today.

Finished up the Physics prac, and then came back to sleep ('cause I was tired from doing nothing all day). Woke up right before CCA time, so decided to go down and check things out.

Spent my two hours scripting (or look up random facts about snails to be put into our Bio D video) and listening to Wei Ren talk about life. Yeah, life is hard, we know. But we get by.

Then had dinner. Om nom.

Then sat around writing a karangan and watching the Shaytards' vlogs.

Yeah. And now I'm here trying to find out how to draw good portraits.

Yeah, I try.


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