Saturday, April 02, 2011


Talent Search semis today.

Oh yeah, fun.

It's funny how the same thing happens every single time I do this.

Practice, practice, feel secure, get kinda nervous, feel insecure, practice some more, become sort of secure again, practice, tell self not to be nervous, brainwash self into thinking self awesome, try not to shake so much (I don't know if this is from cold or from nerves, but shaking is bad), make mistakes, curse self, feel relieved because nobody noticed said mistakes.

Strange cycle.

I'll probably never be able to do a performance to perfection, but yes, I do try.

And it doesn't help that our week chock-full of tests and quizzes and other bits of work have taken away practice time.

Yes, I'd like to prove to people that I can do things right, and better than other people. Yes, I'd like to not waste my chance at momentary spotlight-hogging. Yes, I love the spotlight. It's addictive, man.

So yeah, took a bunch of results for Physics in the morning, then met up with Wai Yin to watch Aisyah, Rania, MJ and Winnie's dance performance, then last-minute practiced, hung around with Yen Ling while waiting for our turns (and watched a really cute Year 1/2 (one or two, not half) kid sing 'Baby', complete with the Ludacris rap), did stuff, watched other performances, went out to eat with Jon Koo and Wai Yin, came back, super tired, am going to sleep now.

Nervousness does take a huge toll on you, doesn't it?

I swear I will finish up our Physics report later.


P.S. Really do appreciate all the MAs for organising stuff. You know.

P.P.S. Do you know what made my day today? Seeing a group of little girls walk past a lingerie store, glance at the displays, and burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter. Oh so adorable. I wish we could go back to times when life was that simple.

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