Monday, April 25, 2011


Maroon 5 concert has just ended, and I'm stuck here in my room watching people post comments about how awesome they are and about how truly sexy Adam Levine is in person.

But no, no regrets, no feeling of envy whatsoever. It's fun because I can totally keep emotions in check now.

So yeah, I made the decision to not attend the concert, because I figured, if I were to ever spend money and time (and loads of that) on a concert it would be when MCR come and perform. Oh I'm waiting for that day when their World Contamination Tour comes to Asia (it is, after all, called the World Contamination Tour).

That would be the day I readily spend hundreds of dollars on concert tickets.

Yeah, Maroon 5 has been one of the biggest bands in my life, 'cause I've known them since like, forever (which here means since I discovered music and stuff), and I might've felt a tinge of sadness here and there for missing them, but keeping the prospect of MCR in mind just makes me feel okay again.

Mmm, concerts. Amazing things to attend, those.

Anyway, school today went down fine. Effects of brain dead-ness from last night were probably carried forward to today. Couldn't stop yawning, but I'm sure plenty of sleep will cure that.

English was spent doing random things, 'cause Mr Chin let us do our own things after the last two presentations happened.

Then finished off our sequences notes during Math. It gets ridiculously complicated towards the end, and it's just like, wow. Did not know it could get that bad, but then again, it's Math, so no questions asked.

Mr Chia owned people today. I don't know why, but he came up with like, the best remarks and comebacks, and it was awesome. Entertainment, definitely.

Physics was spent doing random things too, like talk about Cell Bio. Then did the revision MCQ questions. Skipped the refraction questions, because I don't like dealing with angles and stuff.

Okay, going off now.

Work never ends.


P.S. Yos has this huge scratch on his shin 'cause he walked into a table in the theatrette last week. I swear those things are dangerous.

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