Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I think I might be in love with my laptop right now. Oh man. Watching House on it for the first time and everything's so clear and beautiful and the colours all stand out (makes my New York cityscape wallpaper look even more amazing, too) and I think I like, fell in love, man.

It's like I think about it before I go to sleep, and when I wake up in the morning I'm all excited to see it again, and when I use it I love the feel of the keys and the way the screen looks crystal clear. Ah, love.

Brought my old Macbook to school though, 'cause this one's too precious. The contrast is scary. It seems to take forever to boot up (which, of course, is still faster than your average PC) and it's sort of slow in doing things, but it totally works and I feel bad about letting it go so young. That's all right, because I have a photo montage in the works on it and so I'll still be using it for a few days.

Asked Phan for my The Sims 3 disk a few moments ago, so I'll be able to install it here and sim with extreme awesomeness. I still only have Late Night, but that's okay. Won't be spending too much time gaming because I have like, priorities (cough excuses cough). But I will definitely get CIV5 when I see it (been wanting to play it since last year, but like, Mac versions of games are hard to find, and like, expensive). I'm cheapskate. Ridiculously cheapskate.

So what if I like money. Money's what makes the world go round nowadays. I mean, I'm all okay if it's for other people, but when I buy things for myself I feel as if I've totally wronged myself (or some part of myself). I hate feeling guilty after buying things. I know I shouldn't, because the money's all mine, but still.

School ended at five today, but I only had two hours of class, which was fun (and gave me time to watch House and select SPSO photos for that photo montage I'm supposed to do and like, sleep). No Malay, no Chem, no PPV (never did I even stop to consider Math Honours).

Yeahey, now to go and be productive.

No idea how to do our Physics prac. None whatsoever. Absolutely clueless. Going to ask around tomorrow. Need enlightenment.


P.S. The music video for Rebecca Black's latest single 'My Moment' was released last night, and it's already gotten hundreds of thousands of dislikes (and probably like a million views). Prefer 'Friday', because it was a whole new level of crappy it was fun and catchy, but this one is just a bit weaker than all the generic pop songs we get nowadays. Nothing special at all.

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