Thursday, July 14, 2011

Always and forever.

I don't think anybody needs further proof of how nerdy my school is, but here's what we're posting on Facebook right now:

"Chemistry jokes are okay, but Physics jokes are really gaining momentum."

"Where does bad light end up? In a prism."

"Biology jokes are slowly evolving, while Mathematics jokes need to start differentiating 'cause they stale."

"Chemistry jokes make people react."

"Maybe we should integrate them for novelty, but then we'd have to c."

"Geography jokes are cliffhangers, while History jokes are just old."

Oh lord what has happened to us all. It definitely is a school requirement to be at a certain level of "geek-dom" before you're admitted. Honestly, the jokes we make in class are just so nerdy I doubt anyone less nerdy would find them funny.

Anyway, PE today was fun, Malay was slack, Geog was short, Math was funny, and Cell Bio was well, Cell Bio.

We were ridiculously disappointed because after being released an hour early by Mrs Lim and rushing up to 01 to rub it in the faces of the "History people", we found out they got released half an hour before we did.

Honestly, I don't think we've ever been released before the History class. Never. It's so unfair. Sometimes they head down to our Geog classroom to stand by the windows and laugh at us before walking away. It's heartbreak, man. Life is so unfair.

Sultan's birthday celebration is tomorrow, and so far we've only had two probable effective practice sessions (of random dancing, shuffling, singing, and guitar-playing on my part). Well, we are sort of experts in the "last-minute preparation for random performance" area, so fingers crossed all goes well and smoothly and we own it like bosses.

There's nothing more embarrassing than agreeing to be "free entertainment" and then botching everything up badly.

Priorities, priorities. My lips are sealed.

Okay, tomorrow's a Friday and I'd love to just kill it tonight by not sleeping to celebrate the coming weekend, but I'm tired and tired people need rest, so yeah.


P.S. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 came out today, and I'm still as bitter as can be. I'm pathetic. Somebody help me.

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