Is this person somehow unable to use spellcheck? Or is he or she typing with her eyes closed and his or her brain turned off? I don't understand. How could anyone's education be so terrible? It's insane. It's unbelievable. Aren't these people even slightly ashamed at their atrocious lack of knowledge? It's horrible. It's absurd. It makes me want to cry myself to sleep at night over our sheer pathetic-ness. Yes, it's plain sad.
But hell yes it's hilarious when cavemen say it with gruff voices and dead serious faces.
And then there's Brendan's Facebook post about how this Chinese couple were unable to start a family for years because they hadn't the slightest inkling of what sex is and how babies were conceived. It's pure brilliance. Proves that innocence can be maintained and sometimes there can't be enough exposure. Article is here. Apparently their parents never had the talk with them whatsoever.
Anyway, I'm totally glad it's a Friday today, because I'm lazy and like to sleep in.
Didn't have Physics today because Mr Yeo wasn't here (again. If he's sick again, there is something seriously wrong with his immune system). It's funny how we stayed in class until the hour was up, even though we could've left much earlier. I love how 05 roll.
Died-ed during our English essay (non-graded, thankfully). I can not organise my thoughts. Not at all. It's scary.
Econs was interesting, not because of what we had to learn but because there were no guys in our class. Zheng Wei opted out of that tutorial slot after he realised he'd be the only guy there, so yeah, it was a very unmanly class.
And then had Chem. Every time we greet Mrs Chong after a lesson and say 'Have a nice day Mrs Chong' she cracks up. We don't know why. Perhaps it's because we're the only class to ever do that in the history of the school (all thanks to Ms Sion). I swear, I'm going to miss it when we shuffle classes next year. It's so strange saying "Thank you *insert name of teacher here* without adding something afterwards. 05 is awesome because we're mysteriously able to decide whether to say "have a nice day" or "may the force be with you" and say it in unison.
Watched 'Ice Age' in one of the school computer labs during CCA, because we really didn't have any other place to go. Productivity will increase next week, I promise.
Okay, going off now.
Good night.
P.S. Whoa there, I look smarter in glasses? Really? And it's a good thing? Wow.
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