Friday, July 01, 2011

Somewhere Only We Know.

Just realised that there is indeed a strong emotional ballad about being forever alone, and that's Eric Carmen's 'All By Myself'.

I can practically see the forever alone-ness oozing out of the song, when he almost blubbers the words "...all by myself, don't wanna be all by myself anymoreee." Talk about a depressing song.

But yeah, challenge totally accepted, and I'm going to come up with a forever alone song no matter how long it takes me and what I have to do to get there. I'll probably have to settle on a genre first, though.

Had epic amounts of break today, with Mr Yeo on MC and Mr Chin away (God knows where he goes on these occasions, but yes, he was away today, despite how mysteriously. It's like nobody ever questions his absence. He could be some sort of secret undercover kick ass FBI agent for all we know). Kind of pointless, actually, because we only had one article review to do until two in the afternoon when we had Chem.

So just wandered around and rubbed it in the faces of people from other classes who weren't lucky enough to get as much break as we had while secretly envying them for not being completely bored out of their minds with the amount of nothingness we had.

Had CCA, where we sat around Computer Lab 1 'cause our beloved Mac lab is in the library and the library was being used for Chinese O'level orals.

Then went out to eat at Rocky's with Wai Yin, Ji Hyun, Wee Thean, Adithya and Jung Min. Ji Hyun only came because we offered to carry her bags and then wouldn't return them until she had dinner with us. Epic fun, and it's especially funny when we tell a joke and it takes an additional minute or so before the Koreans get it. I think it's just their way of thinking.

All right, going off now. So glad it's a weekend already.


P.S. Hooray for Internet memes.

P.P.S. Youth week is over, and you can't help but feel sort of appreciative for the student council's efforts. Hooray for random person-in-bear-suit hugging.

P.P.P.S. "My dog eats kimchi." -Jung Min

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