I'm so addicted to Twitter, there will soon come a day where I'll have to feed off Twitter with an IV drip, and I think I might need to seek counseling or something, I'm not sure. Made a Twitter reference in an essay two weeks ago and got it back during English today, and Mr Chin circled the word "trend" (followed by a hashtag) and question-marked it. Mr Chin should totally get a Twitter account. His epic thoughts need to be shared, and I bet he'll garner more followers than I have in like, a week.
Well yes, I'm now officially a fan of Mr Dustin Chin, English teacher extraordinaire, master of indifference and captain of "owning Ryan".
Speaking of Ryan, he sort of exploded in class today because he couldn't solve a Math question. Well, you can't know everything. Loved how Mr Chia dealt with it, because all he said was, "Ryan, you're disrupting my class" and it was a ridiculously awkward moment.
Have a Malay ujian tomorrow, and I'm feeling terribly unprepared.
Racial harmony-ed during ACE. Yeah, we all know it's uncool to be racist. In fact, it's uncool to be severely biased or pious because it's unreasonable and unnecessary.
Then redid our Physics practical, because our results really were a mess.
Wore my glasses to the scholar meeting just now, because I figured since I look smarter (or nerdier) in them, I'd be able to pass off as a more "scholarly" person. Honestly, you can't really define a "scholar". Nobody's perfect. Some people study too much and some people couldn't care less, but we're all scholars, right?
But the presentation is always the same. Study, participate, have fun, don't stray. Work hard, be diligent and caring and responsible. Yeah, totally, man. I think I have sufficient moral values for that.
All right, going off now, have land use to evaluate (yeah, I'm a proud Geog student).
P.S. Our Pokémon video is almost at a thousand views. We'd love your support.
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