Tuesday, March 04, 2008

"So, class, as a result of this..."

Brace yourself. This may shock or surprise you. Either way, it's the same thing. Here we go:
I like our History teacher.

There. I said it. But it's not 'like' like like like, but 'like' like 'she makes me laugh with the way she can't pronounce certain words and doesn't dish out lots of homework, not 'like' like "man, she rocks!" That would be like, a definite no-no. (Did the word 'like' seem funny to you there?)

Yesterday was Mr Perry's birthday. We wanted to leave him a note on his desk.

Sir, happy birthday. 
Love, 3R.
Ps. Please come back.

Unfortunately, we didn't. Should have though. So if you're reading this (which I highly highly doubt will happen), sir, happy belated birthday and no, we didn't forget.

Also, the third of March was apparently a good day for MS. We got into the Hadrah finals, both guys and girls, and won the Ping-pong competition. Am I right? Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.

We arrived earlier at school then ever this morning. My watch read an astonishingly early (for me, that is) 06:40 on the way to class. Crazily enough, there were actually people at school already. I wonder what motivates them to be that early? As for me, it's 'cause I've got a crazy bus driver. 
Geo first thing in the morning. Urgh. I thought I'd have time to wake up after arriving so early, but no, it had to put me back to sleep again. I was so bored, I wrote this in my book: IRK>Commerce>History>Maths>Geo

Face the facts. Our teacher makes it the most uneventful, mind-numbing, dull subject ever to walk the face of planet Earth. Now that is how much I dislike Geography. Sorry.

Now I have some presentation to do with four other people in my class and I've already forgotten who on 'Marine Insurance'. It seems to me that I have to write a fifteen minute presentation from a less-than-fifty word paragraph in the textbook. Excellent. Blabbering on and on about absolute nonsense completely irrelevant to the subject has always been my sort of thing. Now all I need is a teacher with a sense of humour and I'm all set. Which has a 0.001 chance of happening, so I have a choice: Buy life insurance for myself so I can claim after she kills me, or research Marine Insurance on the Internet. Hm. Such a hard decision.
Insurance is an amusing subject; it's not tedious. You just have to learn all those fancy terms, what people can do to get themselves insured, how to claim insurance and how to fake an injury or your own death. As easy as pie. 

 I don't know whether to restring my Alhambra first or wait till my dad gets back first. 'Cause the string broke a few days ago and he bought me a whole set, so I'm wondering if I should just replace the D string or everything..?
And then my dad's friend suddenly wants to take up the classical guitar so I'm lending him my beloved while I use the Alhambra (who came back from S'pore a month ago as you can see in my uncle's blog).
I have to admit, the 'hambra's got a better tone than my beloved guitar. So I guess it wouldn't do any harm to play it for the time being. 

*crackling of microphone* Testing, testing. Is this thing on? *tap tap* Okay, it is. 
Now, on your left, you will see a piece of uneaten sushi as a result of (must resist mimicking History teacher) my trip to Escapade on Sunday. Speaking of which, my hands still hurt because of that stupid drumming game. We were pretending the "drums" were Fazrul's head, and whamming them as hard as possible. Muahahaha. My bad though. Don't blame me, it was Neko's idea.

Oh and this? Just some random picture of a BB article and a doughnut. 
You want the story?
Yes? No? I'll tell you anyway.
My uncle turned up last Friday with a box of twelve doughnuts from Fun Donut. 

He queued for half an hour.

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