Monday, January 12, 2009


I just climbed up seven flights of stairs up to my room on the eighth floor carrying a pile of books. I wonder why I complained in MS when I had to climb only three floors. Whoever person who said "it could've been worse" is so totally right.

Oh, and if you're wondering why my Math has become so poor as to have to climb seven flights of stairs to the eighth floor, Singapore uses the "ground floor is first floor" system. 

I've got a Music half-hour test thing tomorrow. Meh.

Today's dinner was Indian food. Wasn't so good though.

I've got PE tomorrow. Which means I have to wear those really short shorts. Screw, man.

I is sleepy. I is tired. But I is not wanting to be sleeping now. I is having to wait for roll call. I is wanting to read Wolf Brother. I is required to be reading my Bio. I is having to reading for my Music test tomorrow.

Oh God, why my English so broken?

Oh, so my classmate Ivy can read it. She claims she doesn't read all my posts (who does?) because they're "too English". I didn't even know that was a term.

I so sarcastic.

I've got assignments to do. 

ASSignments. Hah hah.

These things are seriously a pain in the ass. I've got a book review for English (choose between The Lord of The Flies and To Kill A Mockingbird) and a Biology essay (1000 to 1500 words on the comparison of the reproductive systems/styles of three animals out of five).

And they're group projects.

I feel like crying. 

But I've got my monkey here with me. My monkey will console me. *sniff*

Good night, good people.

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