Friday, January 02, 2009

Blah blah blah...

I'm using the school's internet for the first time.

In MS, we were actually somebodys, but here, we're "who are you again?"


"What are you doing here?"


"Oh, you're new."

But anyway, it's not all that bad. We've got a goal now: to eat at every chicken rice restaurant in Singapore. Well...sorta.

Wani's birthday was yesterday. Happy birthday Wani aka "the crocodile". Have fun being fifteen, and do try to be good this year (j/k).

We often get warned that we'll get into trouble if we say too much on these blog things. I don't know what the limits are though, but I'll just keep my trap shut. 

I want cookies. To be precise, Famous Amos cookies. Yum.

I miss illegally downloading songs.

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