Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Runny nose.

The border between Brunei air and Singapore air is the smell of the plane. Which means I can't compare directly. Though I believe Brunei has a grassier, fresher smell.

Chinese New Year was fun, but I guess it's over (relatively, at least, for me) for this year. Have to wait till next year for more lion dances, pointless games of Monopoly and such.

I've got my guitar here with me. My dad insisted I bring the Alhambra, because he likes it more and he's biased. Well, not exactly, but he says I should use it more often because it's got better resonance and is more expensive.

I've been calling my older guitar "the other guitar". That's so sad. I miss my beloved, I really do. It just needs cleaning up and new strings, that's all. It's a pretty guitar. 

The one I have now is more... how do I say it, darker, deeper and beautiful?

I don't really know, actually.

We had pot luck in class this morning. Miao Jing brought dumplings. Yum. I liked 'em, but my throat's kinda sore and I've got a cough (I lost my voice yesterday morning), so I didn't feel like eating. 'Twas a pity. They were good.

What else?

We boiled water during Physics. Which reminds me, I've got a graph to do and tables to draw. Due before flag-raising tomorrow. Crud.

We've got a CNY thing at Ms Queenie's place after Study Time. She told me we can watch American Idol again. Yay.

I gotta go. Want to practice some songs.


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