Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We're having this super heated debate over Facebook right now.

Long story short, we were having dinner when Fatinn decided to ask me whether it would suck to be dumped for another guy instead of another girl.

And I said, "No."

We're still arguing about it. It's me and Woan Chyi against Fatinn, Wardah, Syaf and Emily.

People should listen to me for a moment.

If a guy dumps you for another guy, it's definitely more okay than being dumped for another girl. Reason?
Simple: If you get dumped for another girl, you'd think, "What does she have that I don't?', and you feel like you're not good enough, or maybe you'd be extremely jealous for not being chosen over the other girl. But if you get dumped for another guy, case closed, 'cause you obviously know what he has that you don't (do NOT think sick). It's totally another league, and you'd feel okay with that, because there's nothing else you can do. And besides, if he decides that he likes guys, your relationship wouldn't have really worked out anyway.

Therefore, it is definitely more okay to be dumped for another guy than for another girl.

It's so logical, but why can't anyone else get it?

Anyway, spent my day at school pretending to study. Bleh. I don't we actually achieved much, except some assuring from Ms Li and Mrs Chong that if we know "blah blah" and "this formula" and "that rule" and "those exceptions" and how to "think logically", we'll be able to pass Physics and Chem.

But I dunno, man.

Doesn't feel like exams are coming.

I should be less relaxed. But then again, I don't want to be stressed.

My brain is severely confused at the moment.

Must be all the Chem and Physics I've been doing today.

Okay, better go back to memorising all the rules for salts and stuff like that.

It's got so many exceptions, they don't even seem like rules. For example, "Most hydroxide salts are only slightly soluble. Hydroxide salts of Group I elements are soluble. Hydroxide salts of Group II elements are slightly soluble. Hydroxide salts of transition metals and Al3+ are insoluble," and "Carbonates are frequently insoluble. Group II carbonates are insoluble," and "Most sulphate salts are soluble. Important exceptions to this rule include BaSO4, PbSO4, AgSO4 and SrSO4."

Oh God, help me.

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