Saturday, October 03, 2009


Remind me to stop writing overdue posts in the mornings. 

Was super full last night.

It's a classic raya-ing scenario. Go to a house, salam-salaman, eat, duduk-duduk, eat some more, leave, repeat.

Went to three houses yesterday, the first one Ms Shah's, and the other two Bruneians'.

Yeah, it was siuk.

-We interrupt this blog post to bring you breaking news: I don't know how to do my Chem assignment and this sucks. Okay, news flash over-

Managed to eat tapak kuda. We finished it off in like, thirty seconds. That shows just how deprived us Bruneians are. Or greedy. I can't decide. 

Going out later on to auntie Ramlah's house. 

But first I need to finish my Chem. I've got around half a question left, and I have no idea how to answer.

That, or my just-woken-up mind is too lazy to think harder. 

Oh, whatever.

Suzuka is on later.

McLaren is catching up with Ferrari, and that is definitely not good. 

I hope Vettel wins. He deserves to.

Better than Hamilton. His ego might double in size.

All right, better end now.

I'm running out of things to say, anyway. 


I rock a lawsuit when I'm going to court, a white suit when I'm getting divorced, a black suit at the funeral home and my birthday suit when I'm home alone. -Good Charlotte

GC owns, man.

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