Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chikungunya: His purple chicken.

Suddenly feel really exhausted. No idea why.

Must be 'cause I took a look at Math.

But heck, it's been a long day, what with the trip to Nanyang Polytechnic and all.

ACE was weird. Are we trying to highlight cultural differences? This is definitely promoting racism (I kid, I kid. Racism is not cool. But then again, without racism, there is no cultural pride).

Math was all trigo and angles and ratios. Stayed awake this time 'round.

Non-existent Malay was fun, as usual.

English was severely depressing. Still don't like the way things are done around here.

Microbiology quiz was okay too. Wasted loads of time traveling back to school, but at least we had free food (and got to support our school team as well).

I had nine egg tarts (how shameless of me).

Really really tired gotta go sleep now screw Math graded exercise and file check I GG.


P.S. I read that it it takes you less than five minutes to fall asleep, you're sleep deprived.

P.P.S. I also read that teenagers need at least ten hours of sleep a day in order to function well. Yeah, that so happens. The equation works like this: Time spent sleeping per day = 24 hours - (time at school + time used to do homework + recreation) so the more time we sleep, the less time we have to do work, and end up rushing everything and ending up with even less sleep resulting in impaired performance and hence horrible quality work. And they blame us. We're going to grow up into psychotic adults because of the lack of sleep.

P.P.P.S. This may seem lazy, but it's not. Sleep is important, okay? We don't work well if we don't get no rest, savvy?

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