Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Babies, bunnies, and cake.

I'm supposed to go to the MoE later this afternoon. I wonder what they want with me. Whatever it is, I didn't do it..!

Oh, and I have to wear full school uniform. As if three years in MS wasn't enough. (I know I sound like I hate school. Well, I do. Sometimes.)

Then I'd have the opportunity to go and see the latest addition to my family at RIPAS. Told ya it was a baby boom.
Born at midnight (according to a text message), 26th November 2008. She's called Alyssa Farzana.

I love babies. Especially when I'm not the one responsible for diaper-changing and feeding, et cetera. Cute little things. So fragile and innocent. 
The fact that all babies will grow up into potential arseholes kind of spoils it, don't you think?
Keep in mind I said "potential". Which means not every baby will turn into one.

I went to see my cousin's baby on Monday. Seeing her makes me miss Isaac. He's the cutest. I haven't seen him for ages.

Maybe I'll post a picture of the babies one day. Whee, babies. 

I feel strangely compelled to tell you guys why I didn't blog yesterday. 

Are you ready for my epic answer? 

Are you sure?

Okay, here goes....

...I was busy.

Hahah. You've been conned.

Hey, Myra, check this out. I was very jobless yesterday and did this.

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