Thursday, November 06, 2008


This afternoon, I felt my chair vibrate. I was thinking, "What the hell was that?"

Then I realised it was just probably the construction works. They've dug up dirt (from God knows where) and dumped it on the patch of land with tall grass opposite my house. Eyesore. Noise pollution. I should stop ranting now.

I wonder why anyone would choose to live here. It's like, at least fifteen minutes away from anywhere, unless you count Hua Ho Tanjung Bunut, my neighbour's house, or that Indian shop down the road. Don't get me wrong. I love my house.

I wish I could go out and do something. Even if it's nothing. I've been cooped up in my house for as long as I can remember (I went out yesterday but I'm ignoring that fact) and haven't seen The Mall, Gadong for ages. 

I want to go outttt. 

I feel like I'm in jail.

An awesome jail with internet access. And The Sims 2. And television. And the internet. And my computers. And the internet. And my guitars. Have I mentioned the internet yet? I can't really call it jail then, but honestly, I seriously really, really, need to go out. You know what I mean.

I wish I could drive. Legally.

I wish I had like, three more months holiday before I leave. 

I wish Christopher Paolini wasn't so...urm...longwinded-ly so into his descriptions. 

I finished Brisingr yesterday. I find it slightly draggy. But since I have lots of time on my hands, I took the trouble to read every single word (which I usually don't do). Of all seven hundred pages, I think fifty percent was description, thirty percent dialogue, and fifteen percent action, and five percent (yes, I exaggerate) "Eragon's feelings and things that trouble him". 

At least it was well thought out and not dragged out just to make the book thicker than its predecessors, like *cough cough JK cough Rowling cough*. 

I've got to go now, if I want to catch Taiwanese drama on television. 

I think the reason why I watch it is that hopefully, these people will shut up and stop yelling at each other...eventually. 

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