Sunday, November 09, 2008


Like the cake? It's a Blackforest cake from Sheraton. 
I'm not so into berries, or cherries, or whatever they put in there. But it was good-ish. Mmm. Yum. My mum likes it, so I guess that's what matters. 

In answering Zall's question, why on earth did I not blog yesterday(?), I was babysitting. No, I did not sit on my brother, as much as I would have liked to. 

I went to a CD shop in Gadong this afternoon. They had a sign, saying something along the lines of "whoever is caught stealing will be sent to jail". 
The irony of it all is that 100% of the CDs, VCDs and DVDs they sell are pirated. Piracy is stealing, in a way. So... yeah.
A survey done a few months ago showed that all CDs, VCDs and DVDs are pirated. I secretly think that's cool, but I dunno.

I sent my sims to Uni. I think it's a biiiig mistake, 'cause my computer lags like hell. 
iMac can't run The Sims 2. 
eMac lags like hell.
My computers are ganging up against me. Should I do something about this?

Oh, and I just realised how boring my life is without school.
I've got nothing interesting to write about. 

I miss school. 

...I can't believe I just said that.

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