Yo all, what's up?
First and foremost, I would like to issue a prior warning. This post is going to be one of those really epicly long posts I write, so if you don't like reading, STOP NOW.
Or you could like, attempt to read the entire thing (even I don't read my posts sometimes) and congratulate yourself at the end if you survived.
Either way, happy Raya to everybody, especially the Muslim community. Wish I could be home and go out Raya-ing, but I can't, so I'll just have to stay here and imagine the Raya atmosphere.
Went to Auntie Mal's house with Emily to celebrate Raya ('cause Singapore's is a day earlier than Brunei). There was tapak kuda. Yum. Still no Raya atmosphere, though. Not like in Brunei, where you'd be able to hear Raya songs wherever you go, and see green and yellow ketupats everywhere and little things like that. Beraya siuk, yo.
After eating, Emily, Nicholas and I jalan-ed at Orchard.
Went into HMV, and saw two things I have to have. Can you believe 'The Lost Symbol' is out? The sequel to The Da Vinci Code? Yeah. And I really need it. Like, desperately.
The second thing I really want is Muse's new album, 'The Resistance'. Should be cheaper back home though, so I can wait.
Good music, good music. Mmmmm. Makes me want my subwoofer.
Then we watched 'The Ugly Truth' at Shaw House. Chic flicks not exactly my thing, but it wasn't bad, actually.
After that we looked at weird and slightly disturbing T-shirt designs, waited for Nick to get his hair cut (should've done a mohawk, but it was an improvement, definitely), and had dinner at Pastamania.
MRT-ed back, and I guess that was pretty much it.
Going off to bed now, so I'll leave with this pic for the Bruneian simmers out there.
Night, all.
P.S. I came to a realisation a moment ago. I talk to guys more often than to girls on the internet. That's not right, is it? I mean, if you were a girl you would talk to girls more, right? Hmm.
P.P.S. Happy 2009 squared, everyone! 20-09-2009. Epic.
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