All right, brainwashing over.
I really, really do not want to completely screw up my Math test like last time.
But it's basically all common sense.
Trigo is all "sin cosine theta rule throw in a tangent ratio there" plus an active imagination, circle geometry is just knowing your "1/2r^2θ", "s=rθ", and "1/2r^2(θ-sinθ)", et cetera et cetera, and statistics is just making stuff up about why this product is better than that product and calculating standard deviation and mean.
Maybe I should just chillax.
Yeah. Chill.
So while I'm chilling, I'll type about Physics class today.
Ms Li isn't in Singapore at the moment, so we had another teacher come and fill in for her. And I think that was the first time in my life I didn't feel the slightest ounce of drowsiness or boredom during Physics.
Chinese accents work miracles, man.
The dude looked slightly like my great-uncle and had an accent that sounded a huge lot like Martin Yan's. Talk about entertaining. He was all, "The longer the wire more resistance," and I was all, "Turn around, Rania, Confucius say pay respect to your teacher" in his awesome accent.
I also "ohmmm"-ed a lot. I think "ohm" is the epic-est word to ever come into existence. I've got it written in English (ohm), Greek alphabet (Ω), and the Devanagari symbol for aum, the thing people say when they meditate.
We've got a History presentation to do tomorrow. I just hope I don't burst out laughing in the middle of talking about eyebrow man's childhood.
Okay, better go back to Math now.
Hello, interquartile range. What's up? Nice to meet you too.
Yeah, I know it's depressing.
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