Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me e o o o w

I met Emily during roll call just now. 

She asked me how the race went. I gave her a thumbs up then a thumbs down. Awesome race, lousy results. 

Pics will be up soon, when the internet is less gay and retarded (no offense to homosexuals and the mentally impaired). 

Like, wow. Can't really form coherent thoughts right now to type out as coherent sentences. My mind's more like a "F1F1F1F1F1FerrariresultsbadbutohGoditwassoawesomeIgottoseethemliveandwowitwassoepiceventhoughHamiltonwonbutmanthatwasoneawesomeexperienceIthinkIshouldstopnow".

Yeah, just like that. 

I can't believe I said "Oh my gosh, this is so epic, I'm breathing in the same air as they are right now" out loud. Now Rania thinks I'm a crazed fan (I'm only half of that). 

But a huge thank you to Rania and her parents, who let me tag along and watch. Had loadsa fun harassing Rania with lame jokes and talking about F1. 

I might do a proper race review sometime together with pics, so non-F1 people can have a breather. 

I'm listening to Muse's 'Uprising' on YouTube now. It's so awesome. Great style. One day I'mma have to buy 'The Resistance' for myself. 

Another reason why I like Muse (apart from Matt Bellamy's awesome skilz) is 'cause they have a sense of humour. One thing they didn't mention was that not only Matt played the drums and Dom sang, Dom also played bass and Chris played the guitar and keyboard. 

Anyway, we beraya-ed at Auntie Asiah's this afternoon. She cooks good laksa. Fun.

All right, got to hit the hay soon. School tomorrow. 

I still haven't finished my Chem tutorial. No idea how to do some of it. Hmm.

Okay, going now. 

Like, now.


See you.



P.S. No, I did not get married today, wherever and from whomever you may have heard the rumour from.

P.P.S. My dad's imitation of an F1 car over text message: Me . e o o w.

Okay, okay, I'm leaving now.


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