Spent my Sunday afternoon at my uncle's house trying to play Tekken (God knows which version) on my younger cousin's PSP. Stupid screen kept blacking out on me. No idea why. Managed to win one round by blindly (literally) jabbing the buttons repeatedly.
Another thing about these games is that when you lose, they like to rub it in your face by saying "You Lose" in a deep, manly voice.
Or, in the case of 'Mortal Kombat', FATALITY.
After that, I came back to jam with my dad for a while. Don't let his appearance fool you, but my dad's actually not that bad in playing bass.
He can like, hantam-hantamly play by ear.
Then sungkai-ed with Neko and Naimah in Gadong.
Discovered that you could imbuhan pretty much everything. Like, for example, ber-bas purple, and me-moklen, and ber-poklen, and ber-Paula Abdul.
Came back to watch the Fellowship of the Ring, which was the epic-est start to the epic-est trilogy of epic stories. Realised my great-grandmother bears a great resemblance to Bilbo Baggins, curly hair, height, wrinkles and all.
Today, I went out for Indian food with the family and great-grandmother (who's super awesome herself). Indian food is good, man. Don't be racist.
Then baby Alyssa visited with her grandparents. She is so cute.
Now I've got to go and watch The Two Towers.
Adios amigos.
Be good.
P.S. Still, don't drink and drive.
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