Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Of all time!

The rest of the Bruneians are supposed to be back tonight, but they're still not here yet. Hmm. 

Ah,  they're back. Thanks for the kueh Raya, Faiz. 

Anyway, I think I made one of the biggest mistakes of my entire life this afternoon. Great way to spend a six and a half hour break, NOT. 

So there we were, being bored out of our minds in class, when we all decided to Mousehunt on Ivy's laptop.

The asses then decided to use my account and post completely untrue things ('cept about the part where I love my mum) on my Wall. 

Had to run down to the computer lab and use Zhen Jie's account to deny everything. 

The things people believe on Facebook. Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true, man. This is just really dumb, like you can hear people saying "But you're just a person! Facebook is a website!" in earnest. 

I mean, do I really seem like the type of person to say things like, "I'm getting married to a potato chip this Sunday"? (On a second thought, don't answer that.)

So now, just to like, clear things up, there is no wedding on Monday. Okay? Understood? Comprende?


I might as well turn "typical-kid's-TV-show-teaching-moral-values" and have a "What I learnt today" section.

Here goes. Don't laugh. 

What I learnt today:

- Do not ever trust your passwords with anyone. Ever. No matter who it is. Your slightly retarded classmates, your best friend ever, your brothers and sisters, your grandmother, your long-lost great-granduncle from outer space, anyone. And I mean it. 

- You can pretend to be a dog/horse/thing-that-goes-"baa"-or-"moo" during PE and run off while still on your leash. Bad doggy. 

- Tuesday is pout day.

- People will believe anything

Okay, it's late and I'mma go to bed now so-

Kanye West: "Yo, Ya Wen, I'mma really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but everyone else writes the best blog posts of all time! Of ALL TIME!"

Shut up, Kanye. 

Night, all. 

P.S. I seriously gotta lay off the Kanye West jokes, man. 

P.P.S. Don't "awww" me.

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