Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Geothermal gradient.

Yes, I have finished Geog (by some miracle).

To be honest with you, it took almost forever to do this journal thing. Left it pending for two weeks, 'cause I honestly didn't feel like doing it at all.

Yeah, I'm going to come out with it right away: I don't like the way this module has been carried out so far.

It's confusing, and boring and completely, utterly not fun. It depresses me.

I used to totally look forward to Geog, and now I kinda dread it. Hopefully things will improve in time.

Okay, now that's all out, school today was fine, considering we only had a half an hour break between two hours of Chem, an hour and a half of Math and two hours of Malay.

Was seriously falling asleep during Chem. I think one of the most horrible feelings in the world is sitting there in class, dozing off but trying so hard not to, eyelids weighing a tonne, and basically fighting a losing battle while time moves ever so slowly.

I wish we could choose when time went fast and when it went slow. That would be great, but we can't. Life's like that. Always trying to put us down.

Power-napped during that measly half hour break, so was sorta awake throughout Math (actually with Kian Wee and Glenn sitting behind you mimicking your Math teacher it's kinda hard to fall asleep). Found out that I still like drawing graphs.

Spent two hours coming up with a crossword puzzle with Aisyah during Malay.

Malay magazines are actually nice to read. Interesting.

All right, that's it for today.


P.S. Woohoo more sex ed tomorrow.

P.P.S. Yeah, just made a Sims pun.

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