I've never seen or read 'Twilight', but I imagine that it has near zero substance and that's what makes people dislike the series so much. I've read plenty of critics say that the characters in Twilight are all underdeveloped, empty shells that allows housewives and teenage girls fill them in with their own personalities and the are able to relate to the story line.
But I digress.
I've always loved Spiderman's powers. Spiderman's a great guy. It's just that sometimes Peter Parker gets on my nerves. He talks too much.
School today was meh.
Chem was Inception-ish, 'cause I think Mr Tan recently watched 'Inception' and he was telling Joo Kee about how he was dreaming and how we were all just part of his dream and stuff. I don't know.
Made a tonne of Mr Chia references 'cause of the whole "solutions" thing. Funny.
Math was okay, and Malay was just random.
Kosa kata fail.
I think I need to start being more productive. Productivity rate just died today.
Gotta go now.
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