Monday, August 02, 2010


Took me ages to log into Blogger 'cause of the horribly atrocious internet connection we've got here (has anyone realised that I haven't complained about the internet connection in a long, long, time? Well yeah, it's about time I did).

I'm going to go straight to the point with this post: Volleyball hurts. Bad.

Why on earth do I find myself finding hitting balls over a net in the netball court addictive? It's like there's something wrong with me. And thanks to my stupidly masochistic tendencies, my arms are all bruised because I really can't play volleyball right. Either that, or I bruise ridiculously easily. I don't know.

Honestly, how do people enjoy it?

One more week to go and I'll be free of volleyball (till whenever we do volleyball again, that is, and I hope it's not soon).

Did that DISC survey thing during mentoring. Mr Yeo surprisingly knew what to do (we all saw him sleeping during the briefing; we think it's 'cause he stayed up all night playing Starcraft II).

So yeah, went down to the free access lab, sat around, talked, answered 24 questions, had computer problems, sprayed a whole lot of deo, made a lot of noise, got our lives evaluated and that was it.

Nothing much.

Although I have to admit, I'm quite looking forward to the results when we get 'em back, you know, just out of curiosity (or should I say, "curisoity"?).

Okay, I best be off now.


P.S. Lisa Simpson got married? No wonder she's been trending on Twitter all day. Apparently an episode aired in 1995 showed an invitation to Lisa's wedding, dated 1st August 2010, which was yesterday. Now that's seriously cool.

P.P.S. Twitter, keeps me in touch with the outside world. Sad.

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