Saturday, August 21, 2010



But don't feel like sleeping.

So I'm here on the internet like I always am trying to waste my time.

Check out this site: It's full of creativity win.

Speaking of creativity, I haven't been to in a long time. It's a brilliant site. My uncle introduced it to me years ago, and the things people have managed to come up with never cease to amaze me.

Anyway, spent my entire afternoon hanging around this 'Bruneian Community' booth thing outside the National Museum of Singapore for the Singapore HeritageFest 2010.

It's depressing that people hardly know what or where Brunei is. Actually, no. That's not depressing at all. What's depressing is that people don't know that 'Malay' is both a race and a language, and that within the race and language there are variations unique to different countries or regions. What's depressing is that people don't know that 'Islam' is a religion and that 'Muslim' isn't a race. What's depressing is that people make horrible assumptions about countries they don't know and try to act smart.

It's okay to not know, you know? It's okay to ask, but it's not okay to go around pretending you're knowledgeable when you haven't the slightest clue.

It also annoys me when people go, "Wait, you're Chinese? But isn't Brunei a Muslim/Malay country?"

Dude, Singapore isn't the only multiracial country in the world, you know?

Sigh. I'll bet that's why they need exhibitions like this. To educate the public. A hopelessly ignorant public.

So, yeah. Remind me to be more cordial tomorrow (didn't say much today 'cause was feeling somewhat impatient after a while).

Sungkai-ed at auntie Mal's place after that. Yum. Home-cooked food is the best. I kid you not. Next time, when you eat home-cooked food and wish you could've had outside food instead, think of us people who'd give so much just to have a simple meal at home.

Then caught a bit of 'The Parent Trap' on the Disney Channel. Oh God, how I loved that movie.

Couldn't help but go "Man, can you believe she's going in and out of jail now?" while we were watching. She's such a talent, but I doubt anyone really remembers that now.

Do one bad thing and it overshadows all the good stuff you've ever done, huh?

Okay, I'mma go off now.


P.S. There is also a fraction of the people who walk by who actually know about us, or ask questions in earnest and not to show off, and those people make me happy. Big 'thank you's to them.

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