Wednesday, January 19, 2011


CCA fair vid part 2 is up for viewing here.

I think I might've found the key to uploading videos without frustration: leave it uploading before you go to bed, and when you wake up, it'll be there and ready to be titled and commented on.

Although I must say, it's not very environmentally friendly.

Sorted pasta during Bio today. Went through some phylogeny things, and then got to work with classifying pasta according to cladistics. I have to say Jon Ang and I did pretty well, considering I spent half the time drawing an angry, Italian chef with the caption "This is pasta!".

Ah, pasta evolution. Makes one wonder, huh.

Math and Chem were quite ordinary, so nothing much to say about them (but we did manage to finish off our Chapter 1 notes for Math, so hurray for us).

ACE was depressing, as every single "meet-the-deputy-principal-to-be-briefed-about-conduct-and-expectations" meeting goes.

Yeah, we're on it, don't worry.

First Da Vinci session in ages (for me, that is) went by pretty slowly. They really shouldn't hold mass lectures for our year, because we're just completely lame retards.

Okay, going off now.

PE tomorrow and I want sleep.


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