Friday, August 07, 2009


Events events events.

- It's my dad's birthday today, and my dear uncle sent me a few pictures, including this slice that was meant to be for me if I were there. MAN. I want to eat that so badly.

- National day celebration meant that school ended early today. The funniest part was probably the teachers on our side of the hall all looking either quite pissed or confused while everyone else was having fun. Cheryl and I thought it was hilarious.

- Went out to Vivo with Pacahh. Then watched a movie. Then chilled somewhere.

- Came back, made a Facebook account. Sue me. I think I just ruined my social life.

I've had a real account for around an hour and it's already super annoying.

I really regret this, man.

Peace out, dudes. I be tired.


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