Saturday, August 08, 2009

Mass convos.

It's near nine o'clock at night, and I've still got a pile of homework to do.

History mind map thing, Physics assignment, Malay kefahaman, et cetera et cetera.

Laundry in the dryer.

I feel like playing pool with Emily. Yeah, I should, in a while.

It still hasn't rained yet. Why not? The humidity is killing me. The sky has been hard to read over the past few days 'cause of the haze. Stupid haze. 

Also, the internet speed is really laggy. 

I think it's all Facebook's fault. Without it, people would use the internet less, and therefore the internet wouldn't lag so much. Does it work that way? I don't know.

Since I've had a rather monotonous day, I haven't got a lot to type for this post. 

You know what?

I think I'm going to go and play pool.


P.S. Facebook is just too weird for words.

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