More strangely enough, my class photo wasn't in it. In the place of 1R's picture was a picture of the 1Y '06 batch. That means they get to see their photo appear twice in there. This can be translated into the fact that either the MPs really liked 1Y and hated us, or we were too good to have even been in the book.
As I predicted earlier, a few teachers came to class to ask us to take out our books, only to find out we had just received our timetable that morning. And guess what? The timetable was dated 13/12/07.
Let's see... New changes this year. Our much loved English and Maths teachers left us, so we're getting new teachers for both subjects. Mr Perry went to teach the form twos in the afternoon, and Cikgu Norhafizah got stuck with the form fours.
We met both new teachers today, Cikgu Noryati and Ms Anne Crowley(spelling?). I guess we haven't warmed up to them yet, 'cause well, we were so quiet in class. That's what we do when we're not really comfortable with a teacher.
Our geo teacher was supposed to have retired, but she came back to teach us this year anyway. Talk about feeling attached to your students. O.o Just kidding. Her contract got renewed or something, after she realised she wasn't as old as she thought she was. Haha. This resulted in some of us being disappointed and some of us really happy she was back. Personally, I'd rather have another teacher teaching us geo. Like Sir Shamry (crosses fingers) or Cikgu Hajah Adina (which will definitely cause some disagreement among us, some of us like her sad sarcasm and some of us don't). But hearing Cikgu Hajah Fatimah give us a speech on how she hoped she would remain healthy enough to teach us all year, or how she hoped she would still be alive by the end of the year made me think to myself, "All right then, let's make life easier for her and not lose your geo workbook again this year."
One thing my classmates can all agree on is, however, is that we want(not need) a new commerce teacher. But since she's still our form teacher, no such luck. I shouldn't be saying (or typing) this out, I know, but nevertheless, it is the truth, and only the truth will be told in this here blog. *cough cough cough*
Excuse me, I now need to go and wash those cough lozenges down with a bottle of cough syrup. This cough has been plaguing me ever since I recovered from that fever of mine a few weeks back.
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