Sunday, January 13, 2008


I'm goofing off...

If my mum decides to come in right now, I am in so much trouble. Heheh. I promised her earlier that I'd spend at least an hour studying, but now I'm not even attempting to open up my dusty History book. And I wasn't kidding when I said dusty. That thing is in ruins. 
Almost every photograph in there has been drawn on. Some are really funny, mind you. Like the one where one of the book's previous borrowers had inked out the face of somebody save the eyes and labelled the poor guy as 'ninja'. 

My mum came back from the Philippines on yesterday, and got me a book full of useless facts, the sort of stuff I like. It was labelled, "The Book of Origins". It speaks of when and who started what. I've got too many books on my 'to read' list right now. Like that book dad bought for me in Miri, about Sarawak under the Brookes. But he's reading it right now (maybe he's finished, I don't know). 

I think I will be industrious tonight, so I'm going to study. (Or attempt to read those pages of History my teacher told us to.)

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