Thursday, January 03, 2008

Boulevard of Broken Songs.

I downloaded a new song a few days ago. It's really cool. 

It's called Boulevard of Broken Songs, mixed by a guy called Party Ben. This mash up is possible, 'cause the songs which make up the song consist of the same chords over and over again. How awesome is it? Very. I love Wonderwall. Brilliant song.
Something to read while you wait for the video to load... Teachers have already started drilling us on PMB; our history teacher plans of giving us a test on chapters 5, 6 and 7 of the form 2 textbook. I've got a pile of work to do right now, but I'm lazy. So much for my New Year's resolution.
So... The second day of school. CCA day. The new form fours had to register, so we basically walked around being clueless. The good thing was that we got exercise by climbing stairs repeatedly (MS is too big in my opinion, but another good thing comes of that, I can avoid certain people).
I signed up for Digital Photo Editing and Table Tennis. Urm. Not much to say about that though. Now one thing I want to write about is our new sports houses. I'm now in Laksamana. Oh, damn it. I don't want to be in the house where people look for laksa all the time, I want to be back in Hulubalang~! *pouts for a moment* *grins suddenly* Baoxin and Sil Suan originally signed up for the Fitness club, but they got put in Modern Dancing owing to the fact that the Fitness club for girls didn't exist. 
And just who they had to go and see to cancel their names from the list..? None other than Cikgu Haiseh, discipline master extraordinaire! I say this because I got ticked off by her yesterday for having untied shoelaces. It's not my fault they have a habit of untying themselves, you know. Eventually both of them joined Permainan Tradisi, headed by *drum roll please* 'cher Sofy! Heh.
Well, Fazrul joined, so he should keep both of them company. You wanna know the reason why he joined? He said, "I wanna see Sofy play games and have fun." 
I know it doesn't sound funny at all, but it is, if you know her. Nada sense of humour, that one.

Here's an embarrassing scene at school today. 
I was on my way up with Meza (we were supposed to have gone to the staffrooms, but we accidentally descended an extra flight of stairs. This is why I hate the fact that I have no sense of direction) when I heard someone shout real loud, "GAY!!"

I turned around to see who I had been expecting, Muiz. "Shut up!" I told him. "Shut up, you gay jerk!"

And in a quieter tone, he retorts, "Gay urm *something*" Okay, so here he stammered a bit. That means I managed to shut him up. Heh. Heh. I win this round. Maybe I was a bit rude, but I'm sure he'll get over it. His first day of school and he's already annoying. Must be some talent.

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