I believe this disease is very contagious. Either than that, it could be that the season where everybody gets a cold/flu/whatever is here. My brother's got the fever, my dad's coughing, and a lot of people who spend time with me are falling ill.
List of people who had been or still are sick this month:
1. Qilah (she sits behind me)
2. Stephanie (sits beside Qilah)
3. Syaz (sits next to me)
4. Baoxin (keeps reminding me to drink cough syrup)
5. Neko (I was waiting for her to catch my cold. XD So evil.)
6. Zakie (I'm awfully sorry)
7. Maz (At least you're not sick anymore)
8. Nai (Sorry sorry my bad)
9. My dad.
10. My brother.
11. 'Cher Sofy (A lot of my classmates have this theory that she's pregnant. Who knows?)
12. A few of my busmates were caught sniffing and coughing.
13. Wani told us this morning she felt she was coming down with something.
14. Nabil (claimed he had the 'support of the English' to miss school. Ms Anne told him not to come as he 'wasn't feeling very well')
Speaking of him, Khallaq sprained/twisted/fractured his leg or something, and he has a plaster cast and has to hobble around on crutches. Around the same time last year, Nabil got hit by a car and broke his leg; missed school for a month. When Khallaq walked into class, we starting laughing after a moment's pause. Oh the coincidence.
So I told my classmates: "Okay, whose turn is it next year?"
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