Thursday, July 02, 2009

Fridge magnets.

I'm going to like go along with the "pictures (plus a video) speak a thousand words" thing so bear with me if you prefer reading.

Check out this dude if you want. 

So apparently the whole "set class goals" thing didn't work out, so a few of us came up with something like this:
I'm pretty sure it'll be erased by tomorrow.  Pity.

Here's a picture of a mirror reflecting the image of Cheryl's hand taking a picture of the mirror we used for Physics today.
I'm so glad my phone's working again.
This here cake is good stuff from Bakerlyn. My aunt and uncle know I have an affinity for all things chocolate and cake, so they got some for me the night before I left. Yum.

And signing off with a "gangsta" approval.


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