Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hey, guess what?

Talentsearch has been postponed. Again.

I honestly have no idea what's going on. Probably they've decided that holding a competition will spread swine flu instantly. Or perhaps they just want us to be constantly on tenterhooks so that they can suddenly tell us the competition is the very next day and see who can do the best last-minute preparation?


This morning during ACE, we were told we were dumber than geese. That's kinda okay with me, I guess, 'cause I think they use geese as role models for teamwork and humans aren't very good at that. 
But why geese? I bet they haven't heard the term "silly goose" before. 

Are geese even silly? I think they're pretty okay. Who on earth came up with that "silly goose" thing? The prejudiced arse.

And why didn't they use ants as an example instead? Ants are super hardworking and teamwork (should be a verb, that one) all the time. Check this out.

Anyway, my brain doesn't seem to be functioning well tonight.

I'mma go off now.


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