Saturday, July 18, 2009


Now that's a reason to celebrate.

I went out with Pacahh (Wardah, Emily, Syaf and Fatinn) to Marina Square today. For some reason we've been calling ourselves 'Pacahh' since May and it's stuck.

Check out the paratroopers we saw during a NDP rehearsal this evening. They look like little specks, so look a bit closer if you can't see anything but cloudy sky.

Then there were the fireworks. My phone camera's too slow to catch anything more spectacular than the orange blotch here. 
But just so you know, the fireworks were worth "ooh"-ing and "aah"-ing about.

Since I finished The Ask and the Answer a few days ago (simply brilliant book. Genius of an author ended it in another cliffhanger so I need to get my hands on the third book) and I seem to be avoiding to read 'Kite Runner', I got three new books today. 
All classics. Arabian Nights volume 1, The Three Musketeers and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

Okay fine, I lied. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies doesn't actually qualify as a classic. But it's a real book, I swear.


Now that's cool.

Whee, zoombies.

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